ISelectable Implementation Example

This implementation demonstrates:

  • Selection priority system based on ownership and object type (unit, structure)

  • Ordering system for selection groups

  • Local player objects are prioritized over other objects

  • Units are prioritized over structures

  • Objects are ordered within their groups based on type and ID

  • Multi-selection and grouping restrictions based on ownership

  • Integration with Unity's component system

This sample file can be found at the following path


And you can play the demo.


Here is preview. You can customize it to fit your project.

class SelectableRealWorldSample : MonoBehaviour, ISelectable
    [field: SerializeField] public ObjectData Data { get; private set; }
    [field: SerializeField] public Forceable Forceable { get; private set; }

    [field: SerializeField] public UnityEvent<bool> OnSelectChanged { get; private set; } = new();
    [field: SerializeField] public UnityEvent<bool> OnHoverChanged { get; private set; } = new();

    public bool IsLocalPlayer => Forceable.forceId == Forceable.LocalPlayerId;

    public Sprite Icon => Data.icon;

    // Primary selection priority
    // Returns 0 for local player objects, 1 for others
    // Used to prioritize selecting player's own units first
    public int SelectionPriority1
            if (IsLocalPlayer) return 0;
            return 1;

    // Secondary selection priority
    // Prioritizes units (0) over structures (1) and other types (2)
    public int SelectionPriority2
            if (Data.type == ObjectType.Unit) return 0;
            else if (Data.type == ObjectType.Structure) return 1;
            return 2;

    // Tertiary selection priority
    // For units, returns 0
    // For other types, uses the Order value
    public int SelectionPriority3
            if (Data.type == ObjectType.Unit) return 0;
            return Order;

    // Determines the ordering within selection groups
    // Units get a higher base order (10000 + ID)
    // Other types just use their ID
    public int Order
            int order = 0;
            if (Data.type == ObjectType.Unit)
                order += 10000;
            order +=;
            return order;

    // SubGroupId uses the object's ID for grouping related selectables
    public int SubGroupId =>;

    // Only local player objects can be multi-selected
    public bool CanBeMultiSelected => IsLocalPlayer;
    // Only local player objects can be grouped
    public bool CanBeGrouped => IsLocalPlayer;


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